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Energetic effects of U-value and opening speed

The insulation properties of a component can be read from the U-value. The higher the U-value, the worse the insulation effect, the lower the U-value, the better the insulation effect. One should think that the energy efficiency increases with the increasing U-value of a door in the outer wall.

What many do not know, however, is that the U-value is not the only factor that makes a door energy efficient. Energy losses in an industrial door arise through heat transmission (U-value), air permeability, power consumption and air flow.

The more often the gate opens and closes, the more important it becomes to reduce the air flow. The air flow is reduced by increasing the opening and closing speed of the industrial door in the building opening. In the optimal case, a high-speed spiral door is used for this.

A sectional door opens at approx. 20 cm / s, whereas a spiral door opens at approx. 250 cm / s. With a cycle of 50,000 openings and closings per year, this means a 293% higher energy loss when using a sectional door compared to a spiral door.

By using a high-speed spiral door, energy costs can be saved and sick days for employees can be reduced.

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